I have been fortunate to be owned by pugs since 1989. We are located in beautiful Port Orchard, Washington, 20 miles north of Tacoma WA. A dedication and commitment to the breed is what drives us to provide a loving delightful Haven for our pugs.
Our pugs are well socialized, raised in our home, and bred to the A.K. C. standard. Parents on site. Give us a call and arrange for a visit.
All puppies go to their forever homes with...
Pugs think they are the cutest of all dog breeds , without a doubt make the best companion dogs. Take your pug for a walk and people will stop and ask about your little companion, they love to be with you and a pug is the perfect way to complete your life!!
A delightful blend of dignity and comedy, the pug is a playful and confident companion. They love to show off!
Though harmonious with all the world ( people and other animals) pugs will bark when vistors arrive, then will welcome them inside with snorts and grunts.
To Julia Swanson and
CH. C Prides Walking on Sunshine {Stryder}
Thank you Julia for a wonderful job of bringing this boy to his full potential!
Weight Range
male 14-18 lbs.
female 14-18 lbs.
Exercise requirements: 20 min. a day
Energy level: Average
Longevity range: 12-15 years
Tendency to drool: low
Tendency to snore: High
Tendency to bark: moderate
Tendency to dig: low
Social/Attention needs: High
Coat: short
Colors: Apricot-fawn with black mask, black ears and black
Overall grooming needs: Moderate
A.K.C classification: companion
C PRIDE supports and promotes P.D.E testing by having all pugs screened through D.N.A testing for the genes that makes pugs susceptible for the condition known as Pug Dog Encephalitis.
limited registration
must spay/neuter your puppy
3500 for pets
full registration/
plan to show your pug
5500 for a prospect
You will have a friend for life who will prefer your company to anyone else. If you are looking for a constant companion who will follow you around and watch your every action,
Pugs love to be with you!
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